Friday, December 18, 2009

But nothing seemed very different at first.
There was the usual big mess all over the place--baby angels getting poked in the eye by other baby angels' wings and grumpy shepherds stumbling over their bathrobes.  The spotlight swooped back and forth and up and down till it made you sick at your stomach to look at it and, as usual, whoever was playing the piano pitched "Away in a Manger" so high we could hardly hear it, let alone sing it.  My father says "Away in a Manger" always starts out sounding like a closetful of mice.
From the Best Christmas Pageant Ever.

Sorry it's been a while but the christmas rush has descended upon my home in a full blown way.  That and we're all getting over another round of colds (yuck!)  We've been doing a lot lately the kids and I wrote letters to Santa and mailed them.  I've made one apron that I hope to show you and another that's almost done (but I can't show you right now for reasons...)  It's crazy last year I made five aprons for christmas plus cookies and dinners and all that, this year I'm making two and I can barely get it done, having a baby seriously impairs your ability to get things done especially things of the crafting nature.  I made spiced nuts and man did they smell good, I'm going to make another round of those Monday so maybe I'll show you some pics and recipes then (I can't make any promises as the rush is only getting faster).

And finally we had the christmas pageant and it was. . . fine.  Sorry for the let down, but nothing super hilarious or naughty happened by the children they were, well, little angles.  Hunter was especially good he sang and clapped and was very good.  It was funny though because before the play started there was mass chaos and baby angels were actually getting poked in the eye by the wings of other baby angels, I found that to be quite amusing.  I bought a copy of The Best Christmas Pageant Ever for the three adults that did the most in the play (oh shoot I just thought of someone I forgot) and gave it to them as thank yous I really hope they read them because there were so many things in the book that I saw come to life right in our own multi purpose room.  Sorry there are no pictures but Brian said it was too dark the video didn't look very good, and I forgot the camera (bad mom!).

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