Monday, December 31, 2012

I like to keep a lighthearted blog but I also like to keep it real. This is a new year's post and as such a good time to reflect on the past year. To be frank this last year kind of sucked. My husband and I weathered multiple extended family crises, there was a pretty big change up at church (though not bad I still struggle with change), the long distance relocation of one of my closest friends, and finally there was the terrible events in Oregon and in Connecticut. All told this has been a pretty sad year. And I think that's okay. I think it's all right to acknowledge that it hasn't been all roses and rainbows to admit that maybe this is a good year to say goodbye too.

That being said I don't want you to think my entire year has been a wash. On the contrary all these things have made the sweet things of life so much more poignant. I have spent a good amount of time being overwhelmed with gratitude for what I have. For feeling humbled by the wonderful blessings I find heaped upon my, often, ungrateful head. I have children I love and a husband I adore. I love our church family and job, our little home seems so much warmer and brighter now. I was able to welcome a new nephew into the world. I have made some new discoveries about myself and about my dreams. I heard it said "The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necissarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant."This seems a fitting quote for 2012.

I am hopeful for this coming year. Hopeful that I will continue to see the Lord working, continue to minister beside my husband. I am looking forward to seeing my sons grow and learn. I have some new goals for my writing and am excited to see where my pen and sewing machine take me. This journey we call life is really full; full of good and bad laughter and tears. Thank you for journeying with me readers. Know that I value your kind words so very much.
Happy New Year.

With that in mind I'm excited to announce that I am planning some very big changes to the blog. Oh, I'll still blather on about sewing and cooking and whatever else tickles my fancy but I'm going to be changing the look and even location. I hope you'll stick with me through these changes, I really think it's going to make it a better blogging experience for all of us.

Thanks again and happy new year!


Court said...

I'm very excited to follow you and your blog wherever the road leads you! :) love you.

Anonymous said...

Welk said Jessie! I will follow you! Can't wait! Hugs! Jennifer C.

Tina said...

I hope that 2013 is a better year for you, although I doubt there will be any individual event better than getting little Grant. ;)

I love that you quoted Doctor Who, and I think that is a very fitting quote for this past year. Crossing my fingers for a screen door drama-free year.

Jeannie said...

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with all of us. I wish I had someone inspiring to say, but I am not a writer. Simply said...we love you all!!