Wednesday, June 20, 2012


My birthday ended up being pretty nice. Had a lovely cookout with kids running around and the food was good and I got the cutest necklace that I've been wanting from Etsy and some hanging plants. It was the type of evening where you just smile and think, "This is a good life. This moment right here is a good moment." Just lovely.

My cute yellow 1950's glasses and my "fancy" water (layer mint, ice, and lemons)


Seriously, is this not the life?

The kids table.

Just far enough away to give us some peace. Perfect.

And now the winner of the hobbit birthday pincushion!!!!! (Yes I could make that sound even more strange). 

By random number generator; number 7! That's you Holly Becker: She said, "Alfred Hitchcock! 'A lot of movies are About life, mine are a slice of cake.'. Enjoy a slice of cake today!"

We both share a love of Alfred!!! Don't you just love his movies? Get me your contact info and I'll try to have this in the mail by the end of the week.

There were some really good comments so head on over and read those if your interested. My favorite was "My favorite English thing? That's easy, Colin Firth!" I laughed but you'll have to read it to see who wrote it.


Susie Finkbeiner said...

I love your fancy water!!!!

Court said...

Those pictures are perfect! So summery.
I LOVE Colen Firth too! He makes the BEST Mr. Darcy!
Drat why didn't i think of that.