Monday, October 26, 2009


Yesterday was the end of our vacation and the trick-or-trunk.  I will write more about the UP tomorrow, today I want to let you all know how our halloween went...It was good, Hunter's costume turned out all right, not as cute as last years but I'll give it a passing grade.  He did decide he wanted to wear it after a bit of a freak out over the long johns, so that was good.  Wouldn't yo know it we get home from a five hour trip took naps got up and started to get ready to go only to realize that the pants I had set aside for Hunter to wear had been peed in and not washed, ARRRG!!!  Oh well I did a quick quick wash and we were still early.  Conner looked cute as a button in his dinosaur costume (there was another dinosaur that went through the parking lot but mine was way cuter).

Brian and Gordon were hilarious looking in their costumes, I took lots of pictures, ate way too much candy (I'll start loosing weight tomorrow) I once again pledged to make myself something fun to wear next year, maybe a his and hers pumpkin sweat shirt with a stem hat as a nod to my pumpkin costume from when I was a kid, and had a pretty good time.  My kids were exhausted from the trip and the fun but they were pretty good too.


Stephen & Denise said...

Oh my gosh. I don't know where you got Brian's costume, but it is great! He makes a perfect Robin. Everyone looked awesome. Miss you all. MOM

fullertribe said...

Okay so I think Brian got the raw end of the deal on the costume however, it for sure is the best. What a good Youth Pastor and a good Dad. I'm glad to see that your trunk-or-treat was a success!